Monday, July 19, 2010

It was only a matter of time...

...until we broke a pipe to our underground sprinkling system! Yes, that's right, every home owners worst nightmare. The thought of digging up feet and feet of their luscious lawn to find that one little leak.

Our own version of Old Faithful (on a smaller scale of course) was not a welcome sight.

Thankfully our broken pipe occurred in a flower bed, so no grass was harmed during the repair.

A few clamps, screws and new pipe did the trick.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Backyard Makeover

Our backyard was in need of a make over. It lacked in a lot of things, especially plants.
So, we took almost all the over grown bushes from the front yard and transplanted them to the back yard. Now we have a nice natural fence between us and our "back yard neighbors." .

This is only the beginning to the make over... I think it's time to go plant shopping!

This is the backyard before we moved the bushes from the front yard.

This is what the backyard looks like now. Hopefully next year the taller bushes will have grown larger and will fill in some of the gaps.