Monday, April 26, 2010

What is it?

My yard continues to throw surprises my way. I've discovered crocuses, stemless tulips (they're old and tired), hyacinths, Easter lilies, hostas and mums. Plus some other flowers that I don't know the name of.

The most recent surprise is a small tree right outside the kitchen window. When we moved in last year it was full of oval shaped green leaves, nothing out of the ordinary. Then a few days ago something changed... it now has LOTS and LOTS of clumps of white flowers. They smell like a Lilac, look similar to one but according to my Dad who's the Master Gardener, they're not one.

Well, then, what is it? I must know! Any ideas?

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Winters here in Michigan can be harsh, especially on your mailbox. Our mailbox post had been beaten by the snow and snowplows over the years and had a big split down the middle. The former owners screwed the split back together and the mailbox itself was attached by 2 wimpy nails.

Now that the snow has melted and Spring is here we decided it was time to put in a new mailbox post.

With a little bit of elbow grease and creativity Ben removed the old post and easily installed the new one.

Now what to do with the old post...hmmm....